Feb 25, 2004 09:22
Marriage being a government "controlled" thing is fairly recent, apparently and according to my dad. It started being controlled in the 1600's by the government. It is just another sign that the government is out to get us and make us all conform to be mindless, following machines. Government is best when it governs less!
But yeah, going on with the marriage thing, it was usually always a religious thing before the government stepped it's big toe into the picture. The state didn't recognise marriages, because it didn't care to -- didn't "need" to, I guess. You could go and get married and that probably wouldn't cause the government to blink an eye, unless there was like some rule that you couldn't be a certain thing (like a soldier or something) if you were married. In some ways, I think the government started looking to making marriage a government 'cause' to steal more money from people, and control things like incest and stuff.
So, what if we just offered up a bill or something that made the government get rid of it's marriage bills or it's laws on marriage? Yeah, that would probably make incest legal and polygamy legal, but wouldn't it get rid of some of this crock about how marriage is discriminatory to those who are inclined to be homosexual? If the government doesn't even deal with marriage, then maybe there would be less stress in getting married for even heterosexual couples. Yeah, the benefits would be loss.. but that doesn't matter. I don't care about government benefits, because the benefits have to come from somewhere and eventually the taxpayers are going to have to pay for them.
Seeing as polygamy might come from this, let it be known that I don't mind polygamy. If someone wants to have multiple wives, so be it -- as long as the potential wives are consenting. Closely the same to incest, it disgusts me to think of marrying or doing the duty with one of my cousins or siblings -- but whatever floats there boat. I mean, people in biblical times married there cousins all the times! Some even married there nieces and nephews, or aunts and u ncles! *shudders* But then again, that was thousands of y ears ago!!!
If marriage is neither legal nor illegal, and is just ran by churches -- then that would constitute a bigger seperation of church and state -- as it was like 400 years ago, then maybe some people won't have so many qualms about same-sex marriages being "legal" because it leads to the utter more reason for some divine being to destroy us. Divorce would be dealt with through churches as well if this were the case.
I highly doubt that this will fly well with anybody, but yeah.
And as you can tell, I don't like the government. It's amazing sometimes, to me, that I am going into Political Science. However, I think the government would do best if it just held back some and didn't try to control our ever move. Goodness knows when they're going to start telling us that it's illegal to have children before the age of 20 and after the age of 45, and that we have to put our children to bed by 8 and they have to be awake by 8 to go to school at 9 and they have to eat the same food as everybody else.. and and and.