Oct 23, 2008 17:23
I am more and more overwhelmed by the idea that socialism has become a sweet alternative to failed politics here in America. As we listen to and study the proposed policies of John McCain and Barack Obama, the ideology of both men speaks for themselves.
No one can listen objectively to what they are hearing. I know that I cannot.
On one hand, John Sidney McCain III is a pragmatist. He has done what it took to serve the best interests of the entire country, not just himself, his party, or his constituents. He wants to purge politics of special interest obligations and secret monetary dispensations. Can he really singlehandedly do this? I think not.
Words that describe him…
Experienced and yet, maybe too old- Over many years since he is a longtime civil servant and Senator. He comes from a long family line of military veterans. His politics are non-wavering, yet his speeches wander, much like the old man that he is. But the thought that niggles at our minds…is Sarah Palin properly credentialed to run our country just in case anything happens to McCain? She has done a great job with her state, but she doesn't really have adequate foreign policy experience.
Party-line pooper- Despite his claims to "maverick-dom," he has unwisely sided with George Bush on several key issues (war, economy) where it would have more prudent to stand alone.
Truthful- his word can be taken at face value; he is not fallacious
Counted the cost- suffering yet still from his time as a POW during the Vietnam War
Strong leadership skills- proven innumerous times to make our country less divided by initiating cooperatives across party lines
Loyal to the ideology of the founding fathers and the Constitution- to protect The People against high-handed government, to lower taxes for middle-America masses, or so he claims.
A family man- Keeping a congenial relationship with his ex, raising all his children with his ambitious, philanthropic, multi-millionaire wife Cindy. No hints of impropriety have surfaced, at least in the last thirty years or so.
Too rich- He owns too many houses and too many cars (or his wife does). How can he identify and empathize with the average American family (including me) who stretches each paycheck to pay monthly bills, and the average American who is buried under $8,000 credit card debt (not including me)? 'nough said.
Then there is Barack Hussein Obama II, the opportunist. He has lived the American dream and been smart enough to learn how to "play with the big boys."
Words to describe him…
Brave & smart- He has worked against the status quo as a black man and dared to climb the ladder. And picking stalwart Joe Biden as his mate was prime example of knowing when the ball is in your court. But what about Hillary Clinton? Something tells me that she is still disenfranchised.
Hard worker & black hero-To unite his fellow Illinois blacks to the ends of voting Democratic candidates into office. But everything he does seems to be centered around people of his own race. I don't teach only white children; I love the variety of students that God gives to me to teach and influence.
A family man- shares his life (Fri-Sun) with his steady, plain-spoken, single-parent wife Michelle and two small girls. No hints of impropriety have surfaced.
Tunnel-visioned- to help minorities in our country to better themselves
Dumb associate choices- Served on a board with a domestic terrorist. And don't tell me you can't sit under 20+ years of Wright's racist, paranoid, expletive-filled sermons raging against white America and not absorb some of that ideology/theology! Is he a puppet?
Socialist- Government programs and handouts seem to be the mainstay of his platform. Power to the government to help the people, not power to the people to help themselves as it was intended. Obama proposes increased taxes for business owners. He promises to penalize parents who cannot afford medical insurance for their kids; THAT is socialism…the same socialism that our founding fathers rejected when they deigned our great governmental system with a check and balance system.
Bitter and/or ill-advised- I don't know whether this it is what he believes or what he has been fed, but his view of America is skewed…not all whites are out to monopolize minorities! Frankly, however, the masses of people that swarm our nearby Walmart sometimes overwhelm and scare me; I hold my purse close each time I shop.
Not too rich- But why does Obama only own one house and one car? Because he has no rich relatives, perhaps? Since 2007 they have driven a V8 Hemi-powered Chrysler 300C. The reason they have only one car? My opinion…they have no teenagers yet! I guess Michelle drives it, since he mostly flies or get chauffeured in D.C.
I did not like Obama's recent comment about "spreading the wealth around." My family has known times of poverty and plenty. When we first moved down here to Pensacola in 1985, our landlady gave us sacks of groceries, and our church cell group as well. We sold our cars to pay the bills. We lived in the boonies because it was the only house big enough for us all that we could afford. We went without medical insurance, wore one yearly pair of shoes and homemade dresses, got one present for our birthdays, and learned how to play in the great outdoors because the only thing to do inside without air conditioning was schoolwork. After buying our house (down payment and payoff were inheritances) and taking care of our elderly matriarchs, we worked steadily over the years. At fifteen, I started helping teach bread making classes that Cori had designed. We made enemies among the local Christian community during that time (don't know why though) with our fledgling business. If anyone really knew how hard we worked for so little profits back in those days!!! Now, my family owns a bakery. For over ten years, we four girls did not even pull a salary for our work, which sometimes lasted 10-12 hours per day. And now, according to Obama, we owe it to the world to spread our money around. What nonsense! We worked for every penny we have earned. And we still do not have insurance! We decided long ago that it was more advantageous to have a higher standard of living and own cars and houses, than have insurance (and that IS the choice these days!!!). Now, the business pays a few bills and supports all of us in varying degrees of part-time hourly wages. We try to stay current with our bills and stay out of debt.
If Obama wins, I am preparing myself for widespread black supremacy & racism, the "de-fanging" of our military, big government, wide-spread socialism, and economic collapse. If McCain wins, I am preparing for more of the "same old same old" politick with some new twists and facets, enraged racial violence and rioting, a focus more on the war in Afghanistan and less on Iraq, big government, and economic collapse.
Will the ongoing energy crisis be solved? No. Will No Child Left Behind's success be finished? No. Will we become a more United States? Absolutely not.
And they both propose to become the leader of the greatest nation in the free world,
I hope you all vote.
Psalm 71:5 "For thou, O Lord, art my hope, my trust, O LORD, from my youth."