Abbey's been freaking out about getting a roommate that can fit in with the rest of us girls, so it was a total relief to come home from Fort Stockton's Wal-Mart to meet Crystina.
She seemed like a pretty cool girl, just kind of reserved. But that's fine. I mean, Katie was the same way. But we still kicked back and talked.
It's good to know someone else around here likes Diet Dr. Pepper! Now the fridge will really be stocked. We all just have SO much in common.
Later that night, we all gave each other pedicures. Crystina -- or, as we decided to call her, 'Tina'-- totally fits in, which is a total relief.
With a little prodding, Tina's wildside even started to emerge.
So we gave her a Jack and Coke and..
.. Shit just got weird.
OK, ok! I just didn't want her to feel like a slut, y'know?! I had to join in!
Couple hours later, this chick's letting her hair down and she's drunken dialing her ex-boyfriend. He's coming over tomorrow, Is that scary or what?! I totally bet he's not good enough for her.
I'm so happy Abbey is rooming with someone with her taste. Totally reassures me that this year is going to go smoothly..
..Smoothly, that is, after a good night's sleep and some Advil in the morning. Bit too much Jack an' Coke for this co-ed.
Oh, Crystina. What a year this shall be!