Sharing the Love

Oct 02, 2005 22:56

Leave a comment with your name, and I'll tell you 10 reasons why I LOVE YOU!

-I found my Jimmy Eat Word: Bleed American cd, which is my favorite cd in the whole entire world! :)
-In english we got our computer lab stolen by crazy little jr. high kids. Darn those kids. The good news is I still finished my resume. It is sheer perfection. lol
-During 3rd period I asked Mrs. Hoke if we could have a free day in Accounting. She told the class that the President of FBLA motioned for a free day and if anyone seconded it. The whole class seconded. I felt special-ful. hehe
-I made 3 happy little shoutouts for the Blazer Newspaper. I hope Heather, Spiffy, and the FBLA officers like them. :)
-6th period I talked with Ashley Perryman, and she said that she was pretty sure she was going to U of A. I asked her if she had a roommate yet, and she said no. Hopefully we will be roommates. We are both majoring in pre-med. :D
-In Model UN I got excited and yelled a bit while defending Lauren's resolution. I thought it was a splendid resloution.
-After school I went home and got ready for the JHS football game.
-Laura, Danielle, and I went to McAlisters. I finally gave Laura her b-day present. lol It was very belated, but hey, it's the thought that counts.
-We went to the game, and it was nuts. I had to sit by Matt Garner, while he yelled and cussed the entire time. It was interesting to say the least. The football team did horrible, but the band kicked major booooty. I loved the show. :) Mere was the greatest speaker ever, and Alzy showed that marimba who's boss. ;)
-During the third quarter I got to help Al carry percussion instruments. I am the best band groupie EVER!
-Laura, Danielle, and I took crazy pictures with the football equipment near the band room. We also made some crazy dance videos. haha
-After the game Al, Amy, Danielle, Laura, and I went to eat at IHOP. We got some awesome breakfast food.
-On the way out of IHOP some crazy black guys hit on me and Alysa. They asked us if we knew where any cool parties were. We were like we are going home. haha We are losers. Not really, we are totally pimps. :P

-I woke up at the crack of dawn to run in the K8 8K. I got there and couldn't find a parking spot. All the people started without me. I asked the lady where I could get my number, and she told me I was too late. It made me extremely sad. I almost cried, but decided I came all this way, this early, there was no way I wasn't going to run. I took off running and ended up passing the majority of the walkers. I was so proud of myself. :)
-As I got to the finish line the people asked me for my number, and I was like um...I don't have one. lol Later I found out my number and t-shirt were at the registration desk. Turns out the people I talked to didn't know I had pre-registered. *rolls eyes* I didn't really care cuz I was happy I ran so well, and got to run in memory of my grandma. :)
-While I was running I started to break out again. My mom and I went to see the doctor to see if there was anything we could do about the allegric reaction. He gave me a shot and some pills and said all we could do was get rid of what I'm allegric to. So we pretty much spent the rest of the weekend trying to figure out what it was so I wouldn't be all itchy. Turns out it was my sheets. Grr...I guess I will stuck with Lion King sheets for the rest of my life. lol Well it was better to find out what I was allegric to than have to to go the allegrist and get like 100 shots. :S
-My mom and I left the doctor and were going to go get lunch. I was starving after my 4 mile run. My dad joined us at Cracker Barrell. We ended up getting seated near the same table the ASU Lady Indians were sitting. My dad and I talked to Katie Caraway and Ali Carter. It made me sad because Ali seemed all sad her knee was hurt. :(
-When I got home I took a two hour nap. It was nice. :)
-Then I woke up and babysat Alysa's little niece. She was the sweetest little girl. We had fun reading about Big Bird. :)
-Alysa's mom got home and I had fun talking to her for a bit. She told me that she was happy that me and Alysa were friends. It made me feel happy. I told her I didn't know what I would do without Alysa.
-I went home and got Hailey's present ready for her party.
-I got there about an hour late. Gosh I need to work on my time managment. lol
-There were tons of people there. It was nice to see Earnshaw, Srenshaw, Curtis, Buddy, Sarah Hill, Dan, Brittany C, Brittany B, etc.
-Eric, Elizabeth, Sarah, Taylor, and I went to go rescue Lauren. :)
-We came back and watched Family Guy. It was hilarious.
-I came home and went to bed.

-I woke up and got ready to church. I broke out again and made us run late. :( We ended up getting Heather, then getting breakfast because we were already so late for class.
-After church I came home and read the rest of the 6th Georgia book. It was wonderful. I can't wait until the 7th book. Now I'm going to start on Brave New World. :)
-I took a nap until around 5:15.
-My parents, sister, and little nephew went to Memphis to the zoo for his b-day. I would have gone, but I was way too tired. Since I was by myself. I called Al to see if she cared if I went to church with her.
-I drove to her house and Laura was there. We talked for a bit, and then Al and I left for church.
-We sat next to Travis during church. After church we all went downstairs to eat.
-We had some interesting moments and conversation while eating and in the parking lot. haha ;) Al knows what I'm talking about.

Well that was my lovely weekend. I can't wait so much fun stuff is going to happen this month. (Model UN, getting my braces off, senior pics, my 18th b-day. ^_^) I'm going to go to bed now and get a nice rest on my Lion King sheets that I'm not allegric too. Yay! lol

<3 MA

P.S. Don't forget to leave your name as a comment and I'll tell you 10 reasons why I LOVE YOU! :D
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