Cingular makes me angry. They sell me a crappy phone, and then when it stops working, they blame it on me. It aggravates me that I can hear people, but for some odd reasons they can't hear me. I don't have the money to pay for a new phone. Grr...
This morning I layed around the house for the longest time. *sighs* I'm going to miss summer when it's over. When I was done with my pointless laying around I headed to the gym and did a hardcore workout. It made me feel good. :) I came home, took a shower, and then started my mission to buy birthday presents.
My first stop was Wal-Mart. I bought JL the Lifehouse cd, and tried to find two others, but turned up empty handed. Coffee gallery was my next stop, where I bought Brookie a gift certificate. I then headed to the other Wal-Mart and found the two cds I needed. I felt very accomplished and treated myself with a nice mocha chill from Classic Cup. I almost fainted when the lady actually made me one and didn't say "Oh, I'm sorry we are out of Mocha, do you want a Vanilla?" Vanilla just isn't the same.
I came home and drank my mocha chill with much enthusiasm as I wrapped JL and Brookie's gifts. I got a little too hyper and started drawing all over the wrapping paper. lol Well at least it was pretty. :)
My next mission was almost as complicated as finding the birthday gifts. I figured I would stop by JL's house and easily drop off her gift. I was wrong. I stopped by her house, and she wasn't home. Her dad said she was at Katie's, and gave me Katie's number. On my way out I ran into her mom, and her mom told me they were going to the skating rink. I headed to the skating rink, but couldn't get through to JL's cell phone. I called Soni, and got Briana's cell, but Briana didn't pick up either. Finally, I decided to go into the skating rink and try to get in. I saw Katie, (she works there), and she got JL and Briana for me. *whew* Mission completed.
Next, I headed to the Whistle house and chatted with them for a bit. After my chat, I left for Brookie's Party. Her party was soo awesome! Abby, Hailey, Sarah, Hope, Leigh Anne, Lauren, Stephen, Jess, & Casey all came. Brookie's cake was the most beautiful one I have seen! I was so happy she had such a sweet sixteenth. :)
I'm very sleepy, and will probably go to bed in a minute. I have so much stuff to do before school starts. Eww..
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P.S. The Yearbooks are in! Everyone will hopefully get theirs the first day of school!