Feb 07, 2005 17:20
Ya thats right i did remember to update my journal (after jenna reminded me...thanks boo ilu!) So the argentina girls came and they all rock my face off! especially meli!!! hooty hoo! They have been teaching me dirty phrases such as "te parto en ocho!" comment if u have any idea what that means. Also i learned cuss words like conchuda, puta, and forra. So be nice to me or ill cuss you out in espanol. hehe jk!
I offcially love subi!! the dance was sooo fun!! even tho we got lost several times. Some of those gas stations were sketchy tho. Also i just wanted to say i hate u to rachael b/c you locked me out of the car and forced me to get in through the sunroof. thanks a lot babe. i owe you like a thousand face rubs! Hey boys im still going stag for homecoming so give me a call if you wanna go. OH and ren if you read this by any chance i wanted to say sorry and it was just a joke. we didnt mean to make you mad.
love to all