(no subject)

Sep 14, 2008 22:53

I showed Andy an LJ community devoted to Beatle pictures... I fear he may never return.
Casey-Bug is asleep right now - in her crib no less!! I hope she stays that way for a while longer. I could really use another glass (or 3) of wine.
A random thought:
In one of the HitchHiker's Guide books, Douglas Adams talks about a planet (Krikkit) where there is no concept of the sky. The inhabitants hear a noise from up above and look everywhere but up. They have no concept of 'up'. I tried to imagine feeling this way about a direction but failed utterly; probably because if I could imagine a direction (or dimension), then I would have some concept of it. I wonder if there might be a direction like that that we have no concept of. You know what? It's hard to conceptualize something for which there are no words or concepts already in play. I think if God exists, then He/She/It could possibly come from that direction.
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