May 18, 2007 15:09
I didnt have internet for almost 2 weeks. Only got it back a few days ago. But now I have to revise for my exams (the first one on Tuesday! D:) that I have little time for anything. And LJ is blocked on my college comps, along with most other websites I got to, but you can access MySpace all you want. Not sure about the logic on that one, but meh :/
I'm not looking forward to Wednesday that much either. My dad is not giving us a chance as per usual, no suprise there, but for some reason I get really nervous every time I think about the final. 2 years ago I had this weird confidence that we were gonna win before the game (not at half time though xD), but now I'm not so sure. It just seems a little too perfect for Milan to get 'revenge' and all that. I really hope I'm wrong. I feel really bad for thinking like that, cos that probably makes me a bad fan :(
Not sure what else to say, will probably give myself a day off today and start revising again tomorrow.