Apr 19, 2005 11:25
So it seems as though Zoe has inherited my knees. From the time I was walking up until I was about 12, my knees were constantly bloody, gravel laden, and bruised. My parents finally gave up on putting bandaids on them because the bandaids would just get scraped off, along with half of my skin.
Zoe was playing outside with Pop and tripped on her two tiny feet, falling and leaving some of her knee skin behind. A day later, she was outside playing with Papa and fell, again scraping her knees. Last night we went on a family walk around part of the neighborhood. Zoe was being a monster and was trying to get Dassah and I, so we ran away as fast as we could. This of course tickled Zoe and she lost her balance in mid run, this time very slightly skidding on the sidewalk.
The cuts were bigger this time, partly because they reopened old wounds and partly because of the skidding. We got her inside, washed her knees off, applied the first aid ointment, and then some elmo bandaids (she couldn't figure out what these crazy things were).
So it seems like she's either inherited my knees or my gracefulness. Only time will tell. The thing that really amazes me is that each time Zoe falls she does not cry or whimper or make that "What was that?!?" face. She's a tough little girl.