Jan 24, 2006 11:24
So I was reading my journal this morning ("write things down when I read my Bible" journal) and noticed how sporadic my reading has been over the past year. I have times when I read the Bible every day and I start to learn more and more about God, then something happens and I stop reading every day and my mind just gets so foggy.
I'm reading the book of Ezekial right now.. I'm on chapter 36. I started reading it December 11... that's December 11, 2004. I read it really well until Hadassah got sick last January then things just got all screwy with my reading... I read some in March and April, then stopped until this month. That's 8 months!! I can't believe it's been so long and I can't believe I let it go so long!!
Eventhough it's been a while, I really enjoyed going through my journal and reading the things He's shown me.. I've forgotten some of it, and other things I've "rethought" (not realizing I'd thought them a while ago, too).
Anyways, I'm hopefully back in the swing of reading His Word daily. I still can't believe how much is packed into this Book. Seriously, it can apply to ANYTHING, literally anything.. You can always find help and direction, it may take you a little while or you may have to go a way you hadn't thought of before... but honestly, it's definitely God's Word.