Apr 13, 2004 00:45
I'm the worst at updating. I went home this weekend, not for Easter, but because it was my dad's bday on the 7th. Friday night, Chris and I watched a movie and talked some. Then Saturday, I did nothing during the day and then we went to dinner at Sweetwater Tavern, which was really good. Then my mom and I went to the mall, well only H&M actually and I got a few summer shirts. Then, on the way back, we hit a deer. Yes an actual deer! I couldn't believe it myself. It ran in the middle of the road, looked right at the lights and kept on walking forward. I was going about 10 miles per hour and hit the poor, dumb deer. My mom was hysterical and told me not to pull over and to keep going. There was nothing we could really do. I called 911 and told them what happened to make my mom relax. The thing was that she wasn't even worried about the car, which was dented, but the deer. She was worried that the deer died or was hurt really badly. My mom is a strange one, what can I say. You can tell why I am the way that I am. I get it from her. ;) Anyways, so then I decided that I should bake a cake for my dad to take my mom's mind away from the deer. I later called the police to ask them if they sent someone to check up on the deer, and the guy was talking to me like I am psycho. I wanted to tell him that my mom told me to call but that would've been really rude of me. Anyways, the deer is fine, my mom is fine. The end! Sunday, didn't do anything. Looked up vacations for this summer online with my parents as well as tickets to the opera. Can't wait =) Ok well, I will make sure to update more often... I'll try atleast. Good night y'all.