May 06, 2004 23:01
It sucks that we have to leave Hillside tomorrow. I'm going to miss so many things that I never thought I would. Even though it sucks to put on shower shoes, it is an experience that every college has to experience. Although it is so gross, it is really funny and it's wierd to take showers without shoes at home (nice but different)I'm also going to miss being able to see my friends any time I want to. It is so convenient to live on the same floor as your good friends. I'm so glad to have met you guys, thank you for everything and taking me in and loving me *sniff* I love you guys so much. Next year is gonna be the shiznay ;) I'm also going to miss living in such a small space, although it is annoying, it is very different from previous rooms that I've lived in before. I feel like crying right now because I'm going to miss this experience so much =( *sniff sniff* I'm also going to miss having a room mate, Emily you are the best hehe. Thanx for everything and for being such a cool chica hehe =) So many little things too, I'm going to miss living so close to all the living places on campus, being able to look out the window and see the beautiful green grass right out there, sitting outside on Hillside field with my friends and... =( many other little things like that. I really hope that all of you have a great summer and I hope to see most of you. You all better call me... although my phone hardly ever has service hehe. Try atleast. I love you all very much and will miss you all very much. Keep in touch guys. Have a great, super, duper summer.
p.s. sigh... i don't want to leave =( *sniff*
p.p.s. i can't wait til next week for VA beach! yay! Even if it rains, we will have so much fun =) yahoooooooooooooo! lol k that's enough of my goofiness for the night. I gotta go study for my GCOM final tomorrow... boo! K peace out homies.