Eclipse, and why Edward/Bella is forever.

Oct 14, 2007 20:04

Eclipse spoilers. Thanks for telling me about it, junia100

Q. What’s the deal with Bella just falling in love with Jacob in the eleventh hour of Eclipse? Don’t you believe in true love anymore? What happened to blacken your soul, woman??

A. First of all, let me say that I do believe in true love. But I also deeply believe in the complexity, variety, and downright insanity of love. A lucky person loves hundreds of people in their lives, all in different ways, family love, friendship love, romantic love, all in so many shades and depths. I don’t think you lose your ability-or right-to have true love by loving more than one person. In part, this is true because you never love two people the same way. Another part is that, if you’re lucky, you learn to love better with practice. The bottom line is that you have to choose who you are going to commit to-that’s the foundation of true love, not a lack of other options.

Next, Bella does not fall in love with Jacob in Eclipse. Bella falls in love with Jacob in New Moon. I think it’s easy to understand why this fact doesn’t occur to her. Bella has only fallen in love one time, and it was a very sudden, dramatic, sweep-you-off-your-feet, change-your-world, magical, passionate, all-consuming thing (see: Twilight). Can you blame her for not recognizing a much more subtle kind of falling-in-love?

Does this love devaluate her love for Edward? Not for me. For me, it makes that perfect true love stronger. Bella has another option. She has a really good one. An option that’s easier in many ways, that takes nothing-like her family, present or future-away from her. She would have love, and friendship, and family-an enviable human future. But she chooses Edward over all of this. This makes it real for me.

Ahem. So was I right or was I right? I didn't actually discuss this on my el-jay, as far as I know, but I do know that I got upset over the whole J/B thing, but honestly, Stephenie is so right - you can fall in love with two people at once, but your heart belongs to only one. And Edward is Bella's one.

Point is, I pwnd all you "E/B will never last"-ers. Because E/B forEVER.

edward/bella, twilight

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