What? Is the sky falling?

Dec 31, 2012 00:00

So no, the world isn't ending, this in an actual update. I'm honestly just updating for the hell of it, and I highly doubt anyone will read this. At this point, my livejournal is still active for the sole purpose that it can be quite handy at times, for when I want to find some awesome fandom icons, or when I want to comment on some fanfics. (Not that I have much time for either of those things anymore.)

I think this is pretty much a(n official) goodbye. I might drop in at random intervals (like right now, for instance), to talk about my obsession with Tom Hiddleston (which I believe I share with half of the internet), The Weeknd (and this one started two years ago;man does time fly!) or my lingering obsession with Gaspard, or whatever else I think of.

And for the sake of writing something of essence, and that has to do with real life: I should be finished my MA in April (if I finish my thesis on time!), at which point I will reward myself (or make my parents reward me with) a dog, and of course a job and the start of Real Life. I can honestly say, after 20 years of schooling, I cannot bloody well wait.

Either way, I would like to wish you all the happiest of New Years, filled with nothing but love, health and happiness.

Best of luck to everyone, from my flist to the random visitors who drop in.

Maria :)

real life, yes i'm still alive, tom hiddleston, gaspard ulliel, school

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