Title: I go both Ways
Artist: Gayle Ferris
Fandom: Music, specifically My Chemical Romance
Rating: Er, PG for man nipples? Maybe PG-13 for very faintly implied Waycest?
Warnings: Again, you can take it as Waycest if you want, or just look at it as a shirtless Gerard and Mikey Way. Up to you. Hell, you can theorize that the picture is symbolic of my own inner turmoil regarding conflicting emotions towards... who the fuck am I kidding? It's just Gerard and Mikey shirtless. Let's leave it at that.
Disclaimer: Jeebus, please forgive me. Gerard and Mikey belong to themselves and each other. I am not, despite what this may look like, pimping them out for money. I am, however, shamelessly pimping them for comments and attention because us artist have this wacky thing where sometimes we want people TO SEE OUR WORK. All that deep "I made this piece... for me" shit can come later, right now... LOOK AT ME.
I'll shut up now. Here's your girly-stroke material. Have fun fangirls.
And here I thought I'd never do anything even vaguely RPS. Slowly but surely the internet is stripping away my morals. You can all blame Steph (
sidereal) for this. GO BLAME HER NOW!
♥ - Gayle
Notes: This shall be cross-posted liek whoa.