to all the english speakers in my list.

Dec 03, 2006 22:52

so, americans have a new movie, called turistas,and the story as far as I know, a group of tourists comes here to brazil to enjoy a holiday, and end up drinking poisioned "caipirinha",are kidnaped,tortured, and all sorts of things, so that their organs can be sold in the black market.

the reality of Brazil is scary,but it's not like that. Groups of tourists are robbed (30 english tourist, as soon as they left the airport were robbed), some are killed.But brazilian people lives this every single day. drug dealers, shots,kidnaps etc. are daily news. We are not proud of that, because , in general, brazilian people like meeting foreigners, are gentle and very warm towards everyone.Our society, focusing in Rio and in São Paulo,is extremely violent, but there are a lot of nice things to pay attention,but I'll write about it later.Our politicians are the worst. and most people in brazil are very poor, don't have basic schooling.They don't know how to vote, and our judicial system is very slow, and don't punish in the way it should,neither drug dealers and comon criminals nor corrupted politicians.

we have a multi-ethnic culture, we have variety,our constitution is the best,human rights, environment,child rights, is something fought daily. and believe in me, we live in a country that freedom is something that we have, and americans think they have. spend a month here and you'll see what i´m talking about.

every country is different, and we know our flaws, we admit it.
what takes a brazilian out of his mind is a movie like this one.

you have no idea how much anti-americanism this movie generated. I actually heard a guy saying that he hopes that after "turistas",the criminals start doing what is showed in the movie with every single american tourist.

we feel offended that we try hard to learn the language when we go to your country. we are aware of the mistakes and everything,but we're treated like shit.When you come here, you feel irritated that we don't speka you language.

believe me, the common brazilian doesn't know how to speak his own language.

anyway, what I mean is, your welcome to our country, always.
but if you insist in your own stupidity, your loss.
brazilians can be nice, forgiven. but also very impatient.


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