A couple things I forgot to mention about Baltimore:
Billboards for some sort of pro-marriage campaign; in retrospect I wish I'd taken pictures of them. Slogans include:
"Children of married parents do better in school. Marriage works."
"Married people make more money. Marriage works."
I don't doubt the validity of these statements, or their purpose in a predominantly ghetto area. But it's strange, isn't it? Especially amongst my family of multiple divorces and remarriages.
Ghetto McDonald's scene: my cousins and I go in for lunch, and not being used to city poor folk they get kind of wierded out and suggest we go to the Subway across the street. I don't like McDonald's anyway, so I agree, but I've got that twisted I-pass-homeless-people-every-day-smirk, that I'm sure I have no business being proud of. Anyway, we're half-way down the block out of the McDonald's when cops just swarm on the place. Driving on sidewalks and knocking over orange cones. I kid you not. A group of rubberneckers gathering outside the McDonald's. Still don't know what that was about-- no one was being robbed or anything when we were inside a minute before. I suspect some sort of set up.
This past weekend was great. And I saw "The Gates." I'm glad I did, but seriously, they're just a bunch of gates. I put some pictures up, but they didn't turn out so stellar. I even got to drive around a bit (thank you Zeke). Currently reading
Lynn Seymour's autobiography, and its quite engaging, even if it is so British I need a translation dictionary. Bloody hell.