quick grammar lesson so that my eyes can stop bleeding.....

Aug 02, 2008 17:41

ok, I know not everyone received the same quality of education, but as a non-native English speaker I gotta tell you sth people;THERE'S A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN IT'S AND ITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jesus f*ing christ on a stick...seriously, how hard is it to learn that????????*is completely baffled*
now you're wondering why I sound like I plan on committing mass murder...well, I'm surfing the net and well....after reading for the umpteenth time someone's post where that person(who is probably a great person otherwise) makes no distinction between it's and its (making my eyes bleed!!!!!) I just can't take it anymore*cries out of sheer desperation* here, I'm desperate enough to offer free English lessons, just...for the love of god, try and learn.....little kiddies know this and you don't...embarrassing doesn't even begin to cover it...*facepalms*
Just because we have technology and such to make our lives easier doesn't mean we should stop learning basic things like...I don't know,writing??spelling??grammar even?? *cranks up her sarcasm to highest point* okay, end of rant, I'm done*goes away to cool off*

/this rant was brought to you by a frustrated English major/

life, stupidity

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