should I panic???

Jan 06, 2009 17:57

ok, let's establish facts; I've only been in LJ for a very short time and I'm a complete idiot when it comes to LJ related problems, backups, alternative journals and stuff. So. WTF is going on??should I be worried???if the sky falls and LJ disappears(which I cannot understand how but...) how will I get in touch with all of you great people who make a part of my life???*panics* I mean, will all of you move to this  InsaneJournal I'm hearing about or what???should I make a backup or sth???I mean, I don't really care about my journal since it's not so big but other people's LJs and stuff and fics.....what??will there be some massive egzodus to those other journals or what???and what about communities?? one of the best parts of my days is checking mckay_sheppard  community for new fics*pouts* basically, reading through my flist I'm getting more and moe scared...tell me I'm overreacting....

E.T.A. for all my friends---if anyone of you moves to a different journal or makes a back-up journal, please, do let me know...if you want me to know, of course*g*  I am panicking much less right now, but if, god forbid, LJ does get a massive shakedown, I'd like to stay in touch with you all and some of you(I've checked!!) have only LJ mails listed in their profiles so....anyhow, if you move, let me know--that's all*g*

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