Oct 21, 2008 14:08
There is pretty much universal agreement that having a crush on someone totally out of your league (whether by fame, talent, looks, whatever) is generally a miserable state, right?
So, if you actually get a chance to talk with this shining example of your inadequacy and they turn out to to be a deep, thoughtful, genuinely sweet person, does that make it better or worse? Vindication that you'd never have a chance and you should attempt to move on, or feeding the obsession with proof that they really are worthy of the crush?
In other words, dude I am so pitiful omg.
But he's preeeeeeetty! And jesusfuck, his voice! *whimpers*
I want him to come back from tour so I can run into him again and discover he's actually an asshole. It'd make me feel better.