(no subject)

Oct 29, 2005 07:35

I guess an update is deserved!

I just finished working on my presentation and I have a few minutes till class...

I can't wait until tonight b/c I'm going home, getting into bed, and sleeping until 10 am..like at least 9 hours of sleep!!!! yay!

I saw Jenny at Six Flags last night and we talked for a few minutes...she was so nice to me...hmmm. Well, I'm glad for that, it's a good thing.

It kinda sucks I gotta work at Top Glo 2 like all day today, but I got to leave early last night, so I guess it's okay! If people didn't quit with no notice all the time or call in "sick", then I wouldn't have to, but it's to be expected this time of year, it is always like this! But people, you get the same points on your attendance if you call in sick or if you say you are going to the Male/Manual game, so don't lie to me when you say earlier in the week you are going to call in, and when I can read it right there on your LJ that that is why you are calling in! UGH!

I can't wait until Sunday night to make verybody's treat bags for work Monday night! Yay!
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