Nov 03, 2004 15:15
So I officially voted in my 1st Presidential election. It was fun... The place was empty though... except for a bunch of old ladies and two high school volunteers. And they didn't look at my ID or my registration card... I didn't get it. OH! And I messed up my ballot... I accidentally punched a Rep. Party ticket... silly me...
So when I stepped away from my booth to let Grandma #5 that I needed a different ballot, it was like a scene out of Monsters Inc... when the fuzzy monster came out of the kid' room with a sox on his back and there's a 10-13... but in my version, it was all slow moving and mildly confusing. Im just happy they didn't shave me and stick me with a lampshade on my neck.
Anyways, Im happy Bush won. It scares me to think now Nick may be deployed... but I think (even thought both andidates sucked) the better man won.
I'm out.
PS// My apologies to those who havent seen Monsters Inc.