birthday scrapbook details - final year

Feb 13, 2011 21:15

For the last four years I have put together a scrapbook of letters, notes, and artwork for Mary's birthday. This year I'll be doing it once again, but the 2011 book will be the last one that I complete. I was lucky enough to be able to give last year's scrapbook to Mary in person, and I explained to her that because of how busy life has become, that this year's book would be the last one that I would put together. I have loved working on the books and it's been great getting to know so many of you through your contributions. I'll be posting details about this year's theme, photos of the scrapbook that has already been purchased, and how you can contribute within the next few days.

Also, dixgrl78 will be sharing details on the birthday charity donation drive soon as well once the details are decided.

If you have any questions on either project, please let us know! Thank you!

x-posted to marycares


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