(no subject)

May 06, 2009 11:44

I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday - I was sick and spent most of the day sleeping, and by the time I realized I'd forgotten I was too drugged up on cold medicine to write anything! To make up for it, and also because I can't choose between the final three characters, I'll be posting two drabbles today, and the final one tomorrow.

Drabble #9 is Laura Brown.

Charles holds her with the same desperation she felt in him last time, and again their clothes are damp, this time from the rain they make no effort to shield themselves from. Her hand grips the fabric covering his shoulder; she rests her forehead next to it when their lips finally part, feels the race of his heart and the heaviness of his breath. It makes her shiver.

“I’m staying this time,” he says hoarsely. “Here, with you, and Mary.”

“I don’t recall giving you a choice in the matter, Mr. Lattimer,” Laura replies primly, and kisses the smile from his face.

fic, for all time, marymas

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