Jan 02, 2011 14:33
I don't usually do resolutions, partly because I don't like the "failed" feeling if they don't work out, for whatever reason.
Everyone, imo, has their own personal New Year on their birthday. Jan 1 as the beginning of the year doesn't even match a new year of school. But I acknowledge that it is a societal "new beginning" time. Particularly at the gym. It's also the time of recuperation ofter the Great Indulgence that was the month of December.
I have eaten and drunk VERY well and have slacked off in my exercise practice. There are various justifications for the slackening, but it is time to get back in my groove.
Yoga at my gym had been on Tuesday nights; hula classes have been on Tuesday night; so, I had been missing the one "paid for" class available to me.
Hula is over; there were not enough students taking it for the school to continue the class. I enjoyed the first 2 sessions, but by the end of the third one, I was thoroughly tired of the teacher getting bored teaching the dance we were learning before I had it nailed, so I was ready to be done. I had thought that the problem was that number of weeks available were too few, but with 14 weeks instead of 10, I realized that she rushed because she chose to rush, not because there wasn't enough time.
I have quit going to yoga at Cornucopia House. The Saturday classes had doubled in size and I felt like my space should be used by someone who needed it more. And going to yoga in the middle of Saturday morning was totally sucking up a good chunk of my weekend. We ride on Sunday morning and, if I want to avoid the heat of the day, that left Saturday for yard work and yoga was taking that time. And as much as I think the Thursday teacher is a sweetie, I don't like her teaching style. So, yoga will happening at the gym, if it happens at all. And I do think I need it.
To my frustration, while I was taking hula Gym Yoga has changed. Now it's on Thursday and is yoga/Pilates. I may like it better; I may not. We'll see.
Riding happens on Sunday because the crowd is less on the ATT on Sunday morning than on Saturday. That will resume when the weather is warm again. Warm weather = >50F/10C In the mean time, I have the bike up on the trainer in the den where I can peddle as I watch B5 on Netflix Watch Now.
I have been walking with Trey, erratically. I'm hoping that the leveling out of activities post-holidays will allow me to be more regular in my participation. He tries to walk every day; occasionally something (usually work or rain, cold and heat doesn't stop him) happens to get in his way, but me not walking in his company is my choice or planning. Work can hold me up and he'll start without me, if I'm going to be more than 10 or 15 minutes behind him. Neither of us wants to still be walking much after 7:00.
So the schedule until Spring is Walk with Trey MWF, Yoga Thursday, Bike every time I have an evening of TV.
I need to make a Gym Bag with sweats and shoes in it so I can stop there for time on the treadmill if I miss walking with Trey.