Just a bit of business before I get to the fun. Tags for 2010-2014 are not linking properly since those entries were deleted/restored. I'm working with LJ support to try and find a fix. In the meantime, tags removed and re-added manually will work properly. I will start doing this over thenext few weeks, but I suspect it will be slow going. Please bear with me.
Now the good stuff...
We are trying to do a Secret Snowflake this year If you are interested in getting and giving a peice of fanwork (fiction, video, icons, paper dolls, crochet, write a song, interpretive dance, etc) please sign up below before December 21. Because we are getting such an unforgivably late start, this is more of a winter, than a holiday exchange. Prompts/sign ups are due by the first day of winter, and you’ll have a month to complete your work (or to post the first chapter, longer works can be spread out if needs be, Spring doesn’t start until March 20 after all).
You sign up with three prompts.
You will receive your recipient's name and prompts by December 21.
You write, draw, vid, create mixes or picspams, knit or crochet, or do whatever other fanthing you can think of. Anything goes!
Everybody enjoys stuff!
Sign up with three prompts. At least one must be friendly for non-fic fills, which means no plot is specified - for example, "Marshall in a dress" or "Stan/Brandi". No more than one prompt can be a crossover, though you can imply or suggest as many crossovers as you like - for example, "Mary time-traveling (bonus points if it's in the TARDIS!)"
If there is a person you cannot write for (your beta, roommate who digs through your computer when you're out, best friend who reads everything before you post it), please specify this in your signup and you will not be matched up with this person.
Fills must fit or be clearly inspired by one of your recipient's prompts. You can try to fit two or even all three, if you like, but that's not required at all.
You can complete your fill however you like - write, draw, Photoshop, vid, use Legos and a camera, whatever you can think of!
Don't post your fill anywhere before you post it here, but then feel free to crosspost all over the place!
Multichaptered fills are fine, and you only need to have one chapter done in time to post within the posting period. Please try to finish it, though, since it is a gift for someone! Abandoned gifts make snow clouds sad.
Sign up by December 21.
Assignments out by December 23.
Post January 31.
Comments are screened to keep prompts secret. Discussion that does not include prompts will be unscreened as soon as I can get to it, so if you'd like to propose a schedule or rule change, do it in a separate comment! Prompts will be unscreened at the beginning of the posting period in case anyone feels like getting inspiration & making extra gifts.