There's so many things that I want to write in my main journal and can't that I've started this new one that others can't read.
I feel so unhappy at the moment. Daphne's trying to be with Clarissa at every opportunity and I don't know whether or not she has owned up that it was her who wrote to Lady Carter. She also seems to think that I don't know anything no matter how obvious. I know why everyone's so worried that Bill and Clarissa could be found out. I just hate the way Daphne seems to be so obssessed about it. Bill and Clarissa are so happy together and I don't think it's anyone else's business and that includes Clarissa's beastly mother.
I also know why Daphne is so keen to be friends with Clarissa and her mother; she wants to be invited to a coming out ball, she finds that sort of thing so romantic. She's ignoring me most of the time now and then getting jealous if I so much as say something nice about anyone else. It makes me feel so sad. I don't know what to say to her. Everytime I try to mention it she gets so cross. I can't talk to anyone else about it because I don't want to go behind Daphne's back.
I feel awkward just being with the form t the moment so I've been helping Alice rehearse. She's been given the part of Lysander. I'm so proud of her. It is just like having a little sister. I just wish Daphne could understand.