I'm beginning to grow weary...

Jan 26, 2009 16:52

...of all the hostility and tension in our great nation. Ha ha.

Take this for example:

image Click to view

Now, I DID vote for Barack Obama last November, and typically I'm the boring person who never takes a radical stance on anything: politics, religion, pooper scooping, nothing. So, please bear with my non-confrontational, "can't-we-all-just-get-along" opinion/response here. I'd like to think that most of this is common sense, and that these are things that educated Americans considered before entering the polls. (However, I know a lot of my neighbors voted... So I should put more emphasis on the word EDUCATED.)

1. Our country is in such a position right now that no matter who we had elected in November, change would be made. The methods to be used to execute that change was what determined my vote.

2. Barack Obama is not Jesus, nor Mohammed, nor any of those other 'chosen' guys. I have a feeling that based on the hype he's been given over the last... long time... that if he wanted to he could actually be the next Hitler. He's a politician. He's an American man. Yes, he's black and that's AWESOME, but that doesn't make him a deity. Let him do what we've appointed him to do, and nothing more.

3. If Alex Jones is worried that we're going to slip (or VIOLENTLY CRASH) into a deep depression because Barack Obama is our president, why not pawn your low-quality film making materials, use the cash to build yourself a lush garden, buy some chickens, a pig, a cow even and horde, horde, horde yourself happy. If you have any cash leftover, get an assault rifle (before big bad blacky takes 'em away from us) so you can protect yourself from the Obama Zombies.

Okay... That last one was kinda harsh. Buuuut so is the video. I guess what I'm trying to get at is we should all take this uncomfortable economic time as an opportunity to learn optimism and faith. Whether you voted for him or not, Barack Obama is our president and I'm hoping he'll do what he can to make us comfortable again. Like I said, he's not the next coming of God, so we'll probably end up having to meet halfway at some point. That's why this spring and summer I'll be eating my own homegrown produce (hopefully... *crosses green fingers*) and eating homegrown eggs. I won't be taking out student loans to pay for my college education. And I'll be spending time volunteering in my community to help better the circumstances of my immediate surroundings. I want to be positive, but not to the point of naivety or Nazi-ism and I think that's a good idea for all Americans right now.

chickens, alex jones, barack obama, produce, nazis

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