Sep 29, 2005 00:33
But as per usual, I suspect that I will feel better in 48 hours or less. I NEED to feel better in that time, considering I have the LSAT on Saturday and foggy head + LSAT = SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!!!
And I have a shitload of work I need to do. This is the hardest I've ever worked. And I feel like it is somewhat paying off. I just wish my classes were less general and more specific and applicable to what I want to do. I understand that in order to do math modelling, I need to have a solid background in math crap, but I'm getting a little impatient. So impatient that I looked into my profs for next semester. WELL, that was great news. I'm taking biomathematics which I found out only has one section of 35 people, huzzah for small classes :D. AND, here's the best part: the prof is someone who's work interests me greatly. I looked into some of his work during the summer, and I'm pretty sure he supervises all of the grad students in mathematical biology. WAIT, it gets better !!!!! I have him for Advanced Calculus II too!!! I'm thinking I'll express my interest to him and perhaps convince him to hire an overly enthusiastic co-op student for the summer... LOL. Get me an in, not only to grad studies in mathematical bio at Guelph, but also for a kick-ass reference letter for law school. Whoa, I think I'm getting ahead of myself.
Speaking of getting ahead of myself, I think I've taken on too much this semester. But I've also discovered my love of being involved in any way possible. I will be quite honest - my social life has suffered greatly this semester so far. I swear, I spend most of my time alone, with my head in some math problem, but I think I rather like it. I'm turning into one of those crazies - but I'm not as smart.
I went owl prowling tonight in the Arboretum as part of EnviroFest activities. Unfortunately, it was the only EnviroFest activity I was able to attend due to my schedule. It turned into getting moderately lost, going off trail, disrupting ecosystems and making fun of peoples' owl calls. Good times. Seriously, it was. I often forget my appreciation being one of very few enviro sci students who doesn't get off on spending lots of time outside doing outdoors-y things.
Alright, this has made me feel significantly better - now to finish assignments so that I can go out tomorrow night - it's been far too long!