Lies of the Rebel - Final Post!

Jun 28, 2011 23:40

Alrighty guys~! In celebration of my 100% on my quiz today, I finally sat down and separated all the pages into a properly chaptered story. All in all, it ended up with 13 chapters + a prologue and finally came up to 17,094 words.

Personally, for my first prolonged story since my "Buffy Sue" days, I thought it ended up pretty okay. One day, I'll go back and fix the ending up so it isn't so abrupt. For now, I have to set the story aside before I shred it to pieces. I'm so ready to be done! lol. I hope you guys enjoy it!

I have created a comm to place the fic in so it can be all organized without disrupting my other comms (maryxchaos & this journal). Each chapter links to the next chapter and the master post will link you to each chapter listed.

master post here @ liesoftherebel.


character: liz forbes, graphics, crossover, character: sam winchester, fandom: the vampire diaires, fandom: supernatural, blog, writing, big bang, big bangs, fanfiction, character: dean winchester, update: lies of the rebel, blog post, happy thoughts, blog updates, character: caroline forbes

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