Pretty Celebs Battle!!! 2011 Edition - 14th Round

May 30, 2011 14:27

14th round! We're nearing an end...
Two more down.
Six more to go...
...Until the ultimate couple of winners :D

1// I have picked 20 female, and 20 male celebs I find attractive.
2// Everyday (or so -- I'm crappy with getting on LJ daily) I'll make a poll and you'll have to vote for the celeb you find the least attractive (not so much who you LIKE, but who you find hot).
3// After 24 hours (give or take), the poll will be closed and the man/woman with the most votes will be disqualified. There will then be a new poll with the remaining contestants.
4// After an undetermined period of time there will be two winners (and they should totally mate!).

The guy leaving the batlle is...

...Gael Garcia Bernal. He may have lost this round, but last year he finished off in 11th place. So, he climbed up *many* positions this year. He should feel proud of himself. Hear that, sexy Gael? No need to look so sullen, boy :)

The gal leaving alongside him is...

...Naomi Watts. I hope you're happy that you made the poor woman cry. But last year she finished the battle in 8th place. So, she *also* should be happy with this year's improvement.

Carrying on...


gaspard ULLIEL

henry CAVILL

jon HAMM

paul RUDD




mila KUNIS

rachel WEISZ

Time to vote!

Poll Pretty Celebs Battle! 2011 Edition - 14th Round

Thank you for the vote!

pic!spam me, meme, voting is fun

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