Jan 27, 2005 09:24

From: CA Manager
To: Veronica Hart
Date: Thursday - January 27, 2005 2:19 AM
Subject: GDC 2005 Volunteer Status
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We invite you to join us as a Conference Associate (CA) at the 2005 Game Developers' Conference (GDC). Each year, as the popularity of the program grows, the competition gets tougher. So, congratulations!

BUT, please read this carefully as your position in our elite ranks is not assured until we hear back from you confirming your commitment as described in this letter.

First and most important, we're human and we know you are too. We understand that circumstances may come up that will prevent you from volunteering at the GDC this year. As long as we hear from you about it (and the sooner the better), everything is okay. We have a very long and enthusiastic waiting list. :)

The other side of this, as anyone who has been a CA before will note, is we have perfect memories of those who don't show up and don't tell us about it, and we are within a couple degrees of separation from the entire industry. So do yourself a favor, do us a favor, please keep us informed if situations change. And ... ahem... just because none of these slackers have ever been seen again around the CA program, there is no truth to the rumors that we send out a brute squad to pummel them and destroy their castles. ;)

And now for something completely different. As a volunteer, you will receive a Giga pass and all the privileges that goes along with it, which you can use when you are not on duty. Please check the conference website and note that Giga is not the most expensive pass and there are some things that you are not able to get in to. Some of the things the Giga pass does include are the tutorials, sessions, expo, and breakfast and lunch Monday through Friday.

And speaking of fun, there is a required orientation for all volunteers on Sunday night, March 6th, from 6pm to 10pm which includes dinner. Anyone failing to show up by roll call at the orientation will be considered one of those aforementioned and dreaded no-shows (hissing sound from the audience). Again, we're human, and we know you are too. If something delays you in travel, or what not, just communicate with us as soon as you're able and you'll avoid sullying your reputation with the game industry. :)

You have some questions? Great. Let's answer them:

Question: What exactly is expected of me?

We need you there, onsite at the conference from 6pm on Sunday night for the orientation through Friday evening during conference hours. You will receive a work schedule at orientation which delineates the shifts that we need you to fill during that time. We are totally unable to provide schedules prior to orientation so please don't ask. In a future e-mailing, we will provide you with a way to submit work preferences, which will go into the generation of your work schedule.

Question: What do I need to know for travel planning?

The volunteers start working on Sunday March 6th at around 11am. However, those shifts are voluntary and we'll be sending out information in a future e-mailing about how to sign up for them. So, if you don't want to come that early, you aren't required until the 6pm orientation. If you would like, everyone is welcome to come earlier even if not working and hang out, meet the gang, and have fun.

The conference ends around 7pm on Friday night so that would be the earliest you should plan to leave. After that, we have a post conference meeting, affectionately called a post-mortem, where we get feedback from all the CAs about how the conference went. In exchange, we give away lots of cool things from games to books to video cards, and more. After that, we have a party for the volunteers which traditionally has been a buy-your-own dinner at some local restaurant that can handle the numbers and isn't too expensive. :)

So, if you want to attend all the fun end of conference stuff, you probably want to plan on leaving on Saturday after the conference as we'll be up until maybe midnight and beyond on Friday night.

Question: Where do I find housing?

You can try visiting http://www.gdconf.com/travel for assistance in getting to and from the conference site and booking hotels and such. We do have a block of rooms that we control and offer to the CAs at prices which are lower than you can typically find on your own. If you use this, you will be sharing hotel rooms with other volunteers only. More information about that will follow in a future e-mailing. NOTE: if you are even considering using our housing option, then don't wait but go now to http://www.paypal.com and set up an account with them. We use them for accepting payment for our rooms and sometimes it takes a few days to get that set up. It looks like we will get our housing specifics later than we'd like, and so we will have to be quick about passing that information to you, and you will have to be quick about sending us back your requests.

Question: How do I cancel and give up my position without any consequences?

Good question and thanks for asking. It's really simple. Just e-mail us at camanager@neurobatics.com and let us know you can't make it as soon as you can. That's all we ask. :)

Question: What about the rest of my questions?

Unless you absolutely have to have an answer to something now, please wait for the future e-mails to answer them. We will be informing you about our housing option, how to submit your work preferences, where to check in onsite, and answering frequently asked questions for volunteers in upcoming e-mails.

IMPORTANT FOR EVERYONE! Question: What do I need to do to assure that I have my position as a CA?

We need to hear back from you via email to camanager@neurobatics.com. E-mail your commitment to volunteer, remembering what has been stated above especially about unforeseen circumstances and communicating with us if your circumstances change. :) We need this response by midnight on February 2nd (one week from when this e-mail was sent out) Pacific Standard Time (GMT - 8). After that, we will fill your position from the waiting list When you respond, please including the following:

Your first and last name.
Expressed commitment to volunteer

Congratulations again! We're looking forward to seeing you at the GDC!

Tim Brengle and Ian MacKenzie
Conference Associate Managers
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