(no subject)

Feb 08, 2005 10:02

*insert some onomonopea demonstrating time passage*

So the days are goin.

Classes are pretty good- got a 97 on my spanish quiz. I accidentally slept through math yesterday, that was kinda sad/funny. I know my grade in that class would be stronger if he wasn't such a jackass about hw and grading hw. We finished our first experiment report for IE 179. I got to do a lot of data entry and it is fun and pretty! I bet we'll do well on it- we have an all scrippsy group, including an english major, bwahahah!
Work is fine and things with Caitlin are marvelous. I love hanging with my brandy and my tay, and nichole loyally visits frequently so my hermitage does not hurt our friendship. I see shuv lots cause of classes and I am feeling more nested and content in my challenging yet finally routined schedule.

I have some stuff planned for monday, but I certainly am not going to go into that now. My first spanish test is thursday. Bleh.

My appetite is close to back, and although I think I've put all my old happy chub back on, kk and kristen still say I am skinnier than before. I am not complaining either way, and we constantly seek to eat better and not purchase sweets. (for INSTANCE, i got NO COOKIES last night OR ICE CREAM *wail* and even though the mudhole is back in its original location, the ice cream chest is not stocked yet)

I saw bitsy and that was a lot of fun but she missed her flight back to fresno and I feel sorry for her- I hope she gets back alright. Been havin lots of fun at mudd as usual. Not much new and exciting to say!

I saw some good movies, and I keep checking the mail (to find it empty- what the hell) in hopes of more movies coming in. Maybe napolean dynamite will be here today.

Dad said I am finally getting a new cell phone and I am really rather excited about that. It's going to be a flippy phone!

I love Group X and can't stop listening to them and have gotten most my friends hooked to. Go Garret for sending me those! :-) He also introduced me to the coolest game ever- Katamari Damacy where you are a ball and you roll around and things stick to you and you just get bigger and bigger and stick to biggert things and the objective is to get to some gargantuan size. Garret sent me the music from it and I totally rock out like a nerd to it. :-)

SO yeah, life's pretty good. I flirted madly with jasper and really hope that when I go to GDC I can hang out with him. What a cutie. Well, I have to putz the next 15 mins away then head to spanish. I also have to do evil cs81 tonight *shudder*

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