So a while back I posted to lj about a bunch of people getting engaged. I said that I had a feeling like fate was trying to tell me something. Well after a few days I never figured it out and the feeling went away so I guess I was just halicinating. However, today I found out two more of my friends are engaged. I really didn't expect to respond the
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Also, don't worry too much about being jaded, the world really is a bad place. That's why the people who make it better are so good. Always expecting the worst of people isn't necessarily a bad thing unless you let it go far enough that you can't see the good. Introspection is the same way - so you've got a dark side, some things you don't like. I have a dark side too, one that would probably come as quite a surprise to anyone that knows me, but because I know about it I keep it from being a problem, and I know that you can do the same. Everyone has flaws, it's how you deal with them that counts.
I also think innocence is overrated, but that's a point I shall have to argue sometime when it's not 4am.
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