Hob-Nobbling To The Dancefloor Part 2

Jun 16, 2011 19:30

Title: Hob-Nobbling To The Dancefloor
Author: marvystoop
Rating: PG
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes.
Characters: Holmes/Watson
Disclaimer: Don't own. Don't sue.
Summary: From this prompt. Watson's diary, in the style of Georgia Nicholson.
Part 1.

Hob-Nobbling To The Dancefloor.

Part 2

4:13 p.m.
“Tea’s ready!” Dad’s voice breaks the silence.

I had been proving my maturiosity by being all deep and thoughtful, staring out of my bedroom window. Somewhat ruined by the scaffolding Mr and Mrs Next Door have put up so now builders bums stare back.

“One minute!” I shout back. I mean really! Was there any need for Sher to be overly melodramatic, just ‘cause Mary wants to hang out with me and not him.

“Tea‘s getting cold!!”

There’s nothing for it. Now I have to find my potential next best man! Maybe I can hold auditions. I’ll have to give most of the Ace Gang obligatory call backs but none of them have the makings of my best man.


Oof, Lestrade would be a coolio best man. But he’d totally thieve my thunder. The buggering bugger’s always trying to steal the Watson lime ligh…”


Bloody nora, you’d think somebody was beating up Tetly down there.

6:57 p.m.
Just returned to my room to find one of Sher’s little pick pocket Irregular friends dressing the dog up in a ball gown and tiara. Toby does not look pleased. No wonder he leaves me little chocolate friends in all my shoes. Speaking of shoes, time to put my dancing ones on.

7:30 p.m.
Managed to throw an outfit together that makes my eyes pop. Pop with beauty not pop out of the sockets. What would I do if that happened? Just walk around with them swinging on the nerves or put them back…. Erlack, that’s the door! Sex Goddess of the millennium is here early!! She must not have been able to stop thinking about me and came early. Not that I can blame her, I mean look at me - FIT! Even gammy leg is managing to behave.
Party a go-go time!


9:00 p.m.

Am hiding in the piddly diddly department. Think the cosmos is peeved at me. Arrived at party all suave and handsome with just the right amount of hair gel applied and treated the lady and myself to drinks. Could see Sher on the other side of the bar being sulky and slightly smouldering (who knew?!), fiddling with his failed quiff, watching me with Mary so I told her my best joke to make it look like we were having an marvy time but Mary didn’t get the joke so I laughed heartily anyhow. She started looking at her nails.
Luckily I was saved by the band and asked if she wanted to dance. I hob-nobbled over to the dance floor and hung my walking stick over my arm as we began to dance. It all started so well.
Three songs went by without cause for concern, by the fourth song my knee started to twinge. By the fifth my whole entire leg was twitching, I passed it off as some new European dance craze until the next song began and I kicked, KICKED, Mary full on between the legs.
It was like my leg had been lurking like a ghost-in-the-darkness psycho limb. Who knew a twitch could possibly have dislodged somebody else’s pelvis.
Wet Blackwood ran over to help my Sex Goddess. When I offered my apologies and said I could help, I am a doctor of awesome after all, his tooth just glared back at me . Then Larry the Loon started at me intending to hit me. How rude!

Oh no, somebody just came in the toilets... they’ll be looking for me. Where’s a dingy little window to climb out of when you need one?

9:05 p.m.
It was Sher. PHEW! could not have taken a show down right now. I am 100% against show downs. Okay that’s a lie, but there’s no need to give Wet Blackwood and his cronies the chance to come and pound on my pretty facials.

“They’ve taken Mary to a nearby Doctor on the back of a cart”

“I feel like poo, Sher, the pooiest of poos. It’s giving me chronic sad face. Why am I cursed with a leg with a mind of it’s own?!”

“Forget about Mary, it’s probably not as bad you thought it was. Although it did look pretty bad.”


“Come on, you’ve kicked me on the shin with that leg before, you’re not as strong as you think you are Watson.”

“Who wants to be with a fantabulous person like me when stuff like that keeps happening.”

Sher kept quiet.

“Oi, that wasn’t rhetorical Holmes!”

“There, there” Sher patted me on the shoulder. We clocked each others eyes and burst into laughter. “You’re not such a lost cause you know.”

“Is that right Sherlock? Coming from somebody who doesn’t want to be my best man…”

Sher put an arm around my shoulder and smiled at me.

“Well, not your best man. Maybe something else.”

Sunday June 19th

11:00 a.m.
Best night in the history of best nights!

Pelvises broken - Zero
Faces de-prettified - Zero

holmes, watson, georgia nicholson

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