OMFG!! I got my first B+!

May 05, 2008 21:24

Bloody UF apparently doesn't give minus grades, so it's kind of equivalent to an A-, but seriously, I kind of want to cry.  I saw it, and I could almost feel my brain cells shrivel and die.  It's kind of funny - I'm actually to the point where my grades don't really matter anymore (it's not like there's some magic post Ph.D. degree I need to quality for), but I'm still totally freaking out.  How neurotic am I?  I've got a 3.9 for god's sake.  As long as I maintain a 3.5 I have no problem, and I only have one class left to take.  Intellectually I know it's no big deal, but I actually feel totally inadequate and like a failure somehow.

Aren't I a moron?  I know - totally ridiculous.  I'm sure by this time next week I'll have totally gotten over it, as well I should, but for now I'm going to crawl in my hole and be devastated a little bit longer.
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