Hitting the Reset Button

Apr 22, 2008 21:40

Amazingly, my daily posting resolution only managed to last 2 days!  I suppose I'm hopeless on that account...  I think part of my problem right now is that all I can really think to write about is how excited I am that the year's almost over and how anxious I am over the projects I'm currently working on.  Sure, there are plenty of other things to post about, but I don't think I'll be mentally prepared to touch them until I get through the next week.  So, yes, essentially it'll just be drivel for the next six days.

I will say, though, that I am currently watching The Bad Sleep Well with my Writing about Literature classes in lieu of a traditional rendition of Hamlet and I am very amused at how taken aback my students are at watching a Japanese film.  Really, I'm not sure I would have gotten such a level of shock and consternation if I had brought in hardcore slash fic!  Makes me really wonder how my students will react to some of what I plan to have them watch in the Writing through Media course I'll be teaching in the fall :)  I can hardly wait.  More about that later, though...

Ah well, back to the webpage.  Hopefully I can be finished tomorrow.
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