I wish I could augment this with tons of photographs, but for some reason my camera is not wanting to transfer them to my computer. And, well. Most of my pictures wouldn't really be appropriate in this context anyway. But. slkjdflsk
My Lumos 2006 Experience! )
I loved the PoA screening too. I wish we could have stayed for GoF but that one group in pyjamas was being so fucking obnoxious. Fuck you, unconvincing Lucius cosplayer. T_T
I have really random Lumos memories (like when we were discussing the lack of Weasley cosplayers and that tall red-headed boy with shag hair walked by and we were like, "WHERE'S THE EFFORT!!!!!" at his back) and right now I just wish I could go back and do it all again! You and me, OotP, Katie. We'll make our own butterbeer and have our own viewings and there will be nothing but spirals full of strange porn. :((!!!!!
I loved how relaxed our room was. Panels sound fun, but schedules are just so... restrictive. I loved being free to just wander around and not really care about time constraints. I wouldn't change anything about our super-chill-out Lumos experience (except maaaaybe catching a glimpse of Draco and the Malfoys...).
I really want to make us Inquisitorial Squad pins to wear when we go see OotP!! lskdjfj I am seriously loving the idea of our own itsy-bitsy con. I bet we can get The Ravenclaws to play...
Oh man, and... OUR SCARVES!!!!
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