(no subject)

Nov 10, 2005 08:57

step into a high school and you’ll see teenagers rushing to define and label themselves as if they’ll find security in those labels. they feel safe knowing that their labels tell them exactly how to act and who to be. it’s sad, if you ask me. how can you feel safe knowing that who you are depends upon what category you fall into? that thought alone terrifies me.
Jim Morrison once wrote, “We’re locked in an image, an act. And, the sad thing is, people get so used to their image-they grow attached to their masks. They love their chains.” he’s right. this “image,” this “mask” is of utmost importance in our society. it’s what gets people through their days and ensures they will be accepted. forget that this conforming guideline lacks individuality. forget that it won’t teach them anything about life or themselves. forget that there is no thrill to it, no adventure, no thought. people tend to be lazy and scared. i think that’s why following a guideline is so appealing. it provides a sense of comfort and, above all else, it’s easy.
i’ll never completely understand this though. why take the easy, safe road if there’s no excitement or mystery? it will ultimately take you to the same destination as everyone else. why is it so hard for people to step out of their comfort zones? why do people use conformity as some kind of shelter? what are they scared of? nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?

Time shows us that all that ever mattered
all that ever mattered leaves us in the cold
If you ever believe this is what you need
it will spin around and shatter
throw you to the floor
as it leaves us in the cold
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