Oct 25, 2005 11:52
my dad got home from florida yesterday. his trip was planned perfectly because it ended just in time to miss hurricane wilma. he picked me up from school and we talked a little bit about his trip, and he pulls out from behind the seat a cell phone box. i thought it was his bc i saw that he got a new cell phone, but it turns out, my phone was in there! i was really excited bc i havent had a cell in about 7 months and this one is much better than my old one. my old one was cricket so the service was pretty crappy... but now i have alltel and it gets much better reception. also i have video, and that voice command thingy thats really awesome. i bought an application called RealTunes Jukebox and i can listen to music and buy some ringtones if i want. oh and coincidentially, the 10-or-so sound clip from "Wish You Were Here" just so happens to be my favorite part of the song. so yeah... to sum it all up, i like my phone. i was going to buy one with my first paycheck (next week) but since i already have one, im gonna get an ipod. probably one thats about $160 and stores 1000 songs. im excited for that. itll feel good to actually have money without having to ask my parents for it all the time.
even though this has nothing to do with this entry, i love you olivia. heh. that doesnt need to go with the entry... its always on topic to me. <3