1) Are your parents married or divorced? Married.
2) Are you a vegetarian? No, I'm an omnivore.
3) Do you believe in Heaven? No.
4) Have you ever come close to dying? No.
5) What jewelry do you wear? My ankh.
6) Favorite time of day? After everyone else goes to bed and I have peace & quiet. (Keeping
mizbhaven13's answer)
7) Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Do I eat broccoli?
8) Do you wear makeup? Very rarely.
9) Ever had plastic surgery? No. (But if I decide to remove the blemish from my right boob, M has promised to pay for the operation (as long as I'm a Uni student, it will cost like 4€) just so that he can say he paid for my boob job;P)
10) Do you color your hair? I haven't had my natural hair colour for ten years.
11) What do you wear to bed? Panties and a tank top
12) Have you ever done anything illegal? Sure. Nothing major, though.
13) Can you roll your tongue? Yeah.
14) Do you tweeze your eyebrows? No. I like my dark bushy eyebrows;P (Even though I'm a natural blonde my eyebrows have always been dark)
15) What kind of sneakers? If I absolutely must have them, black. Or cyber pink. Or, cheap.
16) Do you believe in abortions? Yes, I do believe they indeed happen. (Fine. Pro-choice forever)
17) What is your natural hair color? Blonde.
18) Do you have any children? I sometimes feel like it...
19) Do you snore? Yeah, especially when my nose is stuffy. Which would be, most of the time.
20) If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? I've always wanted to visit Australia. And I wanna go back to Egypt... and I wouldn't say no to a trip to the States, either.
21) Do you sleep with stuffed animals? All my friends just burst in laughter. I'm lucky I fit in my bed.
22) If you ever won the lottery, what would you do first? Pay all my debts, even to my parents even though they don't expect anything. Then I'd pay off my friends' debts, even though they wouldn't let me. Then... Get lots of nice things for myself, my family, and my friends. Not necessarily in that order.
23) Gold or silver? Silver
24) Hamburger or hot dog? Depends on my mood.
25) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Do I have to think about stupid things like nutrition values? I couldn't decide. I'm a mood eater!
26) City, beach, or country? City, mostly. Beach, seldom. Country... near to never.
27) What was the last thing you touched? A hankie if we don't count the keyboard.
28) Where did you eat last? By my desk.
29) When's the last time you cried? A few days ago when my temperature was so high I felt very uncomfortable.
30) Do you read blogs? A few...
31) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? Let's see... Usually when I go out my pants and jacket are men's clothes... My shoes are unisex, as is the shirt. Does that count?
32) Ever been involved with the police? No
33) What's your favorite shampoo? Because of my infected scalp I need to use medical shampoo. I'm used to it, don't know what I would use if I could choose.
34) Do you talk in your sleep? No, but I've been told I let out distressed sounds. My one and only roomie called me 'a sound-effect wonder'. ('Ääniefekti-ihme')
35) Ocean or pool? Ocean. (For swimming, pool;)
36) What's your favorite song at the moment? Just one? Jeez... Elnur & Samir: Day After Day;P (Check it out in YouTube and you'll see why)
38) Window seat or aisle? Window
39) Have you ever met anyone famous? Small country. Everyone here has.
40) Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? Excuse me while I laugh. NO.
41) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? I cut it in half before boiling it, makes both boiling and eating easier. Then, twirl.
42) Ricki Lake or Oprah? Don't think they show either one here.
43) Basketball or Football? Ice hockey.
44) How long do your showers last? Depends on whether I wash my hair or not... Five to twenty minutes.
45) Cake or ice cream? Both!
47) Are you self-conscious? Noooooo, not at all, why do you ask?
48) Have you ever drank so much you threw up? I've only thrown up because of the hangover once...or twice.
49) Have you ever given money to a homeless person? I doubt it. The whole homeless guy begging in the street thing is a bit different here.
50) Have you been in love? Yes
51) Where do you wish you were? Back in Florence, it was warm there... Barring that, in my bed.
52) Are you wearing socks? Yes, for once. I was chilly.
53) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? No
54) Can you tango? Never tried...
55) Last gift you received? My mom paid off my credit card bill as a birthday present.
56) Last sport you played? Sport? PLAEYD? Uhh... Toothbrush fencing?
57) Things you spend a lot of money on? Food.
58) Where do you live? In Helsinki
59) Where were you born? In a hospital somewhere in Oulu.
60) Last wedding attended? I have *no* idea. Closest thing I can think of is the wedding party my friend had three months after the (civil) ceremony. They're getting a divorce now, by the way.
61) Favorite fast food restaurant? Kampin Pippuri;P Pizza/kebab/pasta joint with a friendly owner.
62) Most hated food? Everything if I have no appetite... School food. (And yes, I count the Uni cafe)
63) What's your least favorite chore? Washing the dishes.
64) Can you sing? Not if you ask anyone who's been forced to listen!
65) Last person you instant messaged? ...Shivi...? This was a year ago so...
66) Last place you went on holiday? Florence, Italy.
67) Favorite regular drink? Milk
68) Current crush? None, I believe. Yay! I'm over my school girl crushes!
69) Do ya want people to do this meme? Nooo, why would I want to know more about my friends?