Jan 06, 2006 03:52
for some reason this morning while i was talking to my friend keith on the internet, i started to remember one particular class while all of us were juniors in high school... Mrs.Mantons honors U.S. history class. just being able to go from lunch with megan and trying to beat keith and jacob there everyday. jacob would always come in all hot and sweaty and red in the face b/c of gym. all of us at the beginning of the year, well besides keith and i b/c he sat in front of me, were all spread out sort of and at the end of the semester we were all sitting in like a cube near the far corner of the room. megan and i would always talk and keith and jacob would chat about stuff. and how jacob and keith would play fight and it would seem like they were trying to impress megan and i. how we would all get onto MSN messenger, have a big chat with the 4 of us and then have the individual conversations going all at the same time. ^__^ man, those were probably the happiest times during high school for me. well, bed now.. good night!