Hello All!
I think I'm speechless. Nope. Not really. ON TO META THE FIRST!
(Well I figured my first meta for a supernatural episode should be a unique one and really what is more unique than tonight's episode????)
What I liked....
- How much did I love the swearing????????? SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! Fanfic writers prevail!! Sam and Dean say FUCK!!!!!! ALOT!!!!!! YAY!!!!!
- Harry and Ed's gibe against the writers - oh writers how I love you so - Jensen's right - they are beyond awesome!
- I can't believe I forgot how much the "Hellhounds" annoyed me! And, I'm sorry but everytime I look at Harry I think EuroTrip!
- I absolutely loved Sam and Dean's little moments with the subtitles also Sam's whole "Let's go to the Morton house - it'll be our Grand Canyon, you only have two months left and we're going to die here Dean!" or something! Also Dean's whole refusal to talk about his feelings on reality TV! He was totally going to until he remembered the guy's camera! Oh Dean! *smishes* Also his whole swearing debacle in that scene! Did I mention I liked the swearing?
- Sam and Dean trying to be police officers but failing - nubes.
- Dean randomly yelling at the dead guy - telling him he's dead. Great work there Dean, bang up job! Next time leave the ghost whispering to Sam.
- I really liked how normal Sam was in this one. I haven't really liked the changes he's been going through, especially the whole trying-to-be-Dean thing. I mean it works with the storyline and everything but Dean's spent his whole life trying to ensure Sam isn't like him and...and...and...*smishes Dean*
- I love how pissed off Dean and Sam are about having to deal with the "Ghostfacers" but how they reluctantly explain things anyway. Also Dean's whole "does it make it easier seeing this nightmare through a camera" and then later when Sam's all "You're still filming!" Dean's "just leave it it makes them feel better" response! Oh BOYS!!!!
What I didn't like
- EWWW!!!!! WATCHING CORBIN DIE!!!!!!! (SO SAD!!!) *tear* *tear*
- The PARTY SONG!!!!!!!! THEY'VE RUINED IT FOR ME FOREVER!!!! I'll never be able to hear that song again without thinking of the creepy janitor guy who I originally thought was a necrophiliac!!!!! Damn you KRIPKE YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!
- The whole Harry and Ed's sister thing - it was just weird and sort of out of place.
Other than that - it was a werid ass experience watching this episode. Initially I was all "there's going to be more Sam and Dean right! right!" and then there was, *sighs in relief.* AND DEAN GOT THROWN INTO A WALL!!!!! AGAIN!!!!! AND SAM GOT TAKEN!!!!! AGAIN!!!! Very 'Benders' with a mix of 'Roadkill's' timing thing. And, you know, ghosts instead of humans.
I also loved the Death Echoes. They were really cool and I love how they're harmless - are they the first harmless supernatural entity we've met? Huh.
Anyway! Off to bed for me now! I'll do more of these if you guys like 'em!
Night all!
ETA: DEAN IS SMART!!!!!!!! IT IS PROVEN ONCE MORE!!!!!!!!!!! He made the electro-magenetic pulse thingy!!!!!!!! and the EMF meter OUT OF A WALKMAN!!!!! Take that you Dean-is-dumb-thinkers!!!!! (if that even makes sense!) So, yeah, I liked that too. Also the end - cause the whole time I was going "wait aren't they supposed to be dead? How can this tape get out?" and then IT DIDN'T!!!!! YAY!
And lastly, thanks to the amazing mrsfrankenstien for the icon! It's going to be on all the THE LIST posts aswell! You are made of awesome babe!