OK so today I went to Amvets with Vicky and Kaevon. Yes Kaev's is back from BJ's house...Blah.....
Marv had a noon-3 pm shift today and still has not been back. I feel sad that I do not think he is as open with me as he should. I want to marry him but I wont if he does not communicate with me....communication is the key to an EXCELLENT relationship......
...the bevalie
So anyhow...my dishes need to be done in the worst way. I think maybe a reason why Marv has not been back is because I asked his to do ALL the laundry in the house....but I told him I would clean everything else......
I am sad
So anyhow I will go watch TV and wait for Marvin to come home whenever that will be........
My gas is still off BTW
Until next time I have one question...has anyone seen this person? She has been missing for a while.....