The Fourteenth Entry (or: Mabey it's time to Stop Numbering Them)

Oct 01, 2006 18:45

I decided to take a short break from my class work to go look at my sister's LJ. I was digging through her past updates on her LJ when I dug up this gem..

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth full sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't search around for the coolest book you can find. Do what's actually nearest to you (We already know you, no use trying to be pretentious).

"Game plotting can be part of the game's story structure- but it can also be dictated by how the game is played." Game Development Essentials

I wasn't sure which book to use at first, since all three of my class books are the same distance from me (in my backpack, on the floor). I guess I should quit goofing off now and actually finish my school work.

I still have to draw a completed character sheet for Marvin, and it hopefully will look like a completed character sheet when I get done, instead of something that I waited until the last minute to do.

But I didnt' really wait unitl the last minute. I am either at work, or asleep.. my off days are spent catching up on sleep that I missed when I had to get up for work. I hope this new system Wal*mart is about to implement doesn't schedule me to work late one night and then come in early the next day. It's a nightmare to have to try and balance that with homework and a fiancee that wants attention too (not that it's a problem giving her attention, mind.. ^_^)

Ok, time to get motivated! Right as soon as I get done scanning in my final projects for my classes, I will send them to you all (in email foam), so friends/family that read this, heads up!

Mage out!
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