Fic: My Family by ng83_writing, Victor and Hank, Gen, Rated PG

Sep 01, 2008 12:26

Title: My Family
Author: Bunny
Universe: 616
Character(s)/team(s): Victor Mancha, Hank Pym (Giant-Man)
Genre: Gen
Prompt: Hank has never really been a father before, so how does he deal with being a grandfather?
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2104
Summery: Victor just came to tell him he existed. He never expected to form a bond.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything in the Marvel universe, no matter how much I would love too. This was written completely for entertainment purposes only, and maybe because I'm insane. Take your pick.
Author Note: This isn’t exactly how I pictured this story going, but what can you do. You gotta go with your muses.

( My Family)
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