Dec 03, 2008 18:23
So I'm back. Apparently, I feel that writing on here once evry four months is good enough.
In the meantime, I have been married for over a year now, and despite that, have not come to a noticable conclusion of whether that has changed me from prior to a signed marriage license. I have a dog, who also just turned one year old. She is currently attempting to make it look like she's just yawning, but really, she was snooping in my purse looking for something to chew on. Zach is a good man, and makes me laugh all the time. While he doesn't feel like cleaning as frequently as I do, he certainly has a sense of relaxation that I envy a lot of the time.
I read a bunch now, for which I am called a "nerd" nightly by my loving husband, and I feel awkward walking up to the checkout desk to this one girl because I see her all the time. I know she works there, but when I appear two to three days a week, even just to make a quick stop, I feel like she's judging me like, "I know you are so not reading all the books that you check out. What kind of life do you have that you can just sit around reading?" (Back story is she's told me she wishes she could read that much because she works & goes to school full time. I had to awkwardly say that I like to sample everything, so why not try the books that are available). Anyhow, now when I see her working, I try to avoid her being the one to check out my books. I also try to avoid the teen girls working there from checking me out when I have these youth and YA books in my stack. "Yes, 17 year old, I am obsessed with the latest craze in books written for a 13 year old audience..."
I am hungry, but I am avoiding the kitchen. Not only is the counter still dirty, but the garbage has not been taken out (even with a gallon of milk with some milk in it), and the dishes are piling in the sink. I also made dinner on Monday, and I don't feel like making stuff and then hearing about how it'd be so much better to have such and such. That doesn't normally happen, but it's easier in the case of being lazy to pretend that it might.
Trying to decorate the house is hard when we have so much crap in boxes that we A) have not touched in probably a year, B) is taking up 85% of the usable closet space & room in the office/guest bedroom, and C) never want to look at because it means I will have to shred everything in there. It is times like this where I wish I had a fireplace.
I also figured out today that I hate snow. Well, I knew I despised snow, because of all the usual reasons- It's cold (duh), people's driving gets crazy, the yard is a mess and the snow looks all dirty when it melts, problems with transportation, etc. You know, all the good stuff. Aside from all that, I figured out the one reason I enjoy snow: I like the smell of it. Snow weather smells different than any other season or part of winter even. It lacks the dew, oily smell of rainy days, and obviously has no perfumed aroma. It just is so fresh and clean, the air is crisp and light. It is such a faint smell, anyone who doesn't know what I am talking about (the majority of the earth's population) will assume I am off my rocker. But it's true- snow smells and I like it. although if there were any jobs what-so-ever in Vegas next year, pack my bags, and get ready to visit me in the desert.