Application process, Version 1.0

Aug 27, 2006 17:37


This is not the application you need should you want to play an original character. That will be handled in a whole 'nother post.

This is the place to post to announce your intent to apply for a character. Once you have posted here, with your intent, you have 48 hours to post your application. It is a 48-hour hold. You move it, or you lose it.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled application, already in progress.
This application comes in two sections. In-character, and out-of-character:

In character:

Character name:
Character journal:
Capsule history, including family, relatives, group affiliation(s) (and don't worry, if you don't know their every appearance ever, we won't castigate you for it):
Character description, including powers and abilities (although, chances are good, if you're playing a character that's ever appeared in a Marvel comic, it can be googled or wiki'd):
Character's sexual preference (There's a reason, which will be detailed at length in the roolz):

Out of character info:

Name (or what you'd like to be called, so it's something other than "HEY, YOU!"):
Time zone (the better for figuring out the best time for real-time interactions):
Contact info (how you'd be best contacted, i.e., preferred email addy, yahoo messenger, AIM, etc.):
Things (scenes, content, etc) you'd prefer not roleplay (i.e., if you have major incest squicks, if you're afraid of drawbridges, dislike trolls, have a history of panic attacks when you read about the Mafia):
In addition to all of this, we will require a sample post. This will need to be a post of some substance, no one-liners, no 'net speak (if I see an O RLY?, I'm sending the Punisher after you. With a rocket launcher.). We'd prefer sample posts not be in script format, but beyond that, we'll work with you. No sample post, no admittance. You will not be approved for the community without one.

Once you've got all of that together, send your applications to, and one of us will be in touch with you regarding any issues we may have with the application. We're really pretty easy to work with, and if there's an issue, we'll try our best to work together with you to bring the application to a place where it's accepted.


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