hey dudes i will try to make this as quick as possible b/c i am still in pain from my all-nighter last night and am sick of staring at this screen. i am really really touched that so many people are following my daily updates and thank you for your interest and support. it makes me feel less alone and i also get a lot out of bringing a bit of my world to everyone, be they familiar with life out here or not. i am sorry i haven't gotten to responding to e-mails and comments to most of you. life is really picking up every day and i'm just getting a bit buried (no need to send in a rescue mission yet, though). i love you all though and will do my best to catch up.
as for today, i can safely say again i never know what to expect from day to day and the adventures keep on rolling. this afternoon i attended an interview that i had set up over lunch. the company is
Visage Publicis, an ad agency part of a worldwide network that is the 4th largest in the world. Their clients include Loreal, Hewlett Packard, Whirlpool, Ericcsen. Basically they make established brands and adapt them to the Ukrainian market. Sounds kinda cool and the office is real classy but at the same time really relaxed. One of the creative directors I'd be working with is really cute. I need to not let that affect my interest in the firm, but he left me a little speechless. I showed the two guys my work and they said they liked it. It was good experience for me to talk through my work but a definite challenge in Russian. After I had translated like every little thing, it turned out they were perfectly fluent in English from working with English-speaking management (even the managing director there is purely English-speaking, from what I gathered. They don't have an overwhelming amount of work but could definitely use the help and even have a pressing need for a redesign of their site. So everything is dandy in all but one regard: they can't guarantee to get me any money. I am welcome to come and learn and help out but it's doubtful that I will actually get paid, which is a bit of a bummer but I also have low standards and my interest has been piqued. Having looked at their website, it appears it would need to be done in Flash which is the most challenging program for me so in that regard I think I'd need money to work on a redesign. But again I am drawn to their world for some reason, if only b/c I don't like not being able to finish something, and this feels like a beginning with potential. They had two bottles of champagne in their mini fridge in the back room and I think that is funny. The most ideal scenario I can think of if I have to deal with the situation as it is is that I would help them maybe two half-days a week and then help at the other magazine a little too (that set-up sounds sketchish too). When it comes down to it, I don't NEED the money and whatever money I would make won't amount to much, most likely. So that's my current predicament.
In similar news, I have figured out that a ride on the bus or subway costs me 10 cents. After that I think I can rest with the thought of using public transportation (vs. walking) every day, even more than once. Or should I save my money, what do you think? Geez I'm wiped... Oh and I almost just lost this entry. That would have made me reeeeeeealllll happy.