Forgive me, Livejournal, for I have let thee down.

Jan 31, 2008 19:54

82%Is Your Head Full Of Useless Internet Trivia?
Quiz courtesy of Listocracy

Man... I am disappointed. Question - what is Google's most searched keyword for 2007?

I want to write something more substantial here but I'm feeling ranty and I doubt it would be anything coherent. Also, do you know that little planet that's no longer a planet and is actually one of many orbiting rocks? I think it might share its name with a cartoon dog or some such thing. Yeah? That's about the size of my workload. I am, of course, a tiny insignificant flea on the planet Earth.

Yeah, my metaphors suck today. Shut up, go away and let me sulk in peace.

memes, internet

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